Getting Ramadan Umrah Packages Has Become Much Easier Today

Ramadan is the month when the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through Archangel Jibreel (A.S) and is, therefore, a holy month for Muslims across the world. During this particular month, they fast from dawn until sunset and refrain from sinful behaviour. The name 'Ramadan' for this month was derived from the Arab word 'Ramida' or 'ar-Ramad', which literally translates as 'dryness' or 'extreme heat'. Fasting during this holy month is compulsory for all adult Muslims. However, those suffering from a certain illness, the elderly, the chronically ill, menstruating women, women in their pregnancy, and the women who need to breastfeed their children are the exceptions.

The importance of Umrah in Ramadan can be understood from an event narrated by Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him). According to the narration, a woman from Madinah was asked by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the reason for not going on Hajj. She replied saying that her husband had gone to perform the pilgrimage and taken one of their two camels with him. As she needed the second camel for the irrigation of their land, she chose to stay back. On hearing her reply, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that an Umrah performed in the holy month was like performing Hajj with him.

It is owing to the spiritual rewards associated with an Umrah in the holy month that many of the Muslims living in the United Kingdom dream of performing their lesser pilgrimage during Ramadan. In recent times, there are numerous tour operators or travel companies in different parts of the country that provide cost-effective Ramadan Umrah packages for helping the UK Muslims accomplish their Umrah in the holy month. The prospective pilgrims can book any of these packages and embark on a memorable journey to the holy city of Makkah in Ramadan.

The packages for Umrah Ramadan month brings for UK Muslims through various tour operators or travel companies is always in great demand among the prospective pilgrims. Owing to the greater demand for these packages, many of the Muslims residing in the UK find it difficult to get their choice of affordable Ramadan packages. This is the reason why it is always advisable to book any of such packages several months earlier to get significant discounts. Before going ahead with the booking, they must plan their dates well in advance. Once the dates are decided, the booking must be done immediately.

With so many travel companies or tour operators offering religious tours of Hajj and Umrah in the UK, it becomes absolutely necessary to identify the authentic ones. The Muslims of the UK often find it difficult to get a reliable tour operator for booking a suitable package for their lesser pilgrimage. One of the effective ways to check the authenticity of the travel company or tour operator is to verify whether it has been authorised by the Hajj Ministry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the IATA and ATOL protection would also be one of the aspects that would make the travel company reliable.

To get some interesting details on Easter Umrah packages, click here.


  1. Assalamualekum, JazakAllah Khair for this informative blog. May Allah bless you with this consistent knowledge and help you grow aswell as others grow by reading from it. Umrah Packages umrah packages from delhi


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